Prime minister talks of
Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami was not his usual upbeat
self after yesterdays meeting with the social partners at Castille.
Surprised to see journalists still waiting for him outside Castille
more than half an hour after the meeting was over, the Prime Minister
said he told unions to be realistic and talk about all the problems
facing the country in the most objective way possible.
"The situation worries me because the world is passing through
major changes and Malta is part of the world and the problems we are
facing are problems of other countries," the Prime Minister told
The Malta Financial and Business Times when asked whether he was concerned
about rising unemployment.
"We need to face the situation with a lot of courage and I have
no doubt that if we face the situation with a lot of courage, with the
tools in hand, particularly EU membership, we will over come the difficulties.
There is a lot of realism and everybody has to realise the importance
of working together," Dr Fenech Adami told journalists present.
Asked by a Super One journalist whether government was going to do something
concrete about the situation after 16 years in government, the Prime
Minister simply walked by and entered his official car.