wine boomerang
EUs strict wine labelling regulations also apply to
non-EU traders
Kurt Sansone
It appeared to be a trump card for Alfred Sants anti-membership
campaign, but the controversy raised over the wine labelling regulations
of the European Union will come back to haunt him if a prospective
Labour government decides to negotiate a free trade agreement
with the EU.
MHRA council votes
unanimously in favour of EU membership
With the tourism sector representing roughly one
third of Maltas GDP, the pro-EU camp received another strong
vote of confidence from the business community yesterday, with
the 14-strong Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association council
voting unanimously in favour of EU accession.
MES shoots down GWU on drop in
exports to EU claim
David Lindsay
The Economic Services Ministry has strongly rebutted comments
by General Workers Union General Secretary Tony Zarb, who
was quoted recently as stating, "Exports (from Malta) to
the EU have declined by nearly 30 per cent since Maltas
application for membership".
The fight against
A somewhat sceptical Matthew Vella speaks to IFPI Regional
Co-ordinator for Western Europe Michael Ellis and Paul
Warren on the pros, cons and trends of the international
fight against piracy. |
EU enlargement and the Euro-Med Partnership
This weekend Foreign Minister Joe Borg
spoke at the EuroMeSCo Annual Conference themed The
Impact of EU Enlargement on the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership.
Following are extracts from Dr Borgs speech, in which
he stresses the importance of Malta seeking to bridge the
gaps between a new, wider EU and its Mediterranean partners.
Prime Ministers
fast track campaigning
AD working for votes and a valley
do the European ambassadors think
Malta's attractions as an investment
target to be enhanced with accession
FTI to stand by commitment
to Malta
Labour a worsening economic
picture set against the influx of EU workers
Malta partners with Microsoft