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call for tenders

Department of contracts
The Director of Contracts notifies that sealed tenders in respect of the following advertisements will be received on the days and dates indicated below. Tenders are to be dropped in the Tender Box of the Department of Contracts, Notre Dame Ravelin, Floriana:
Up to 10.00 a.m. on Thursday, 6th September, 2001, for:
CT 260/2001. Supply of straight radio focus guide wire Department of Health.
CT 261/2001. Supply of disposable reloadable linear cutter and stapling device and disposable loading units Department of Health.
CT 262/2001. Supply of multichamber pacemakers Department of Health.
CT 263/2001. Supply of syringes disposable, size: 2cc Department of Health.
CT 264/2001. Supply of gloves latex medium Department of Health.
CT 265/2001. Supply of ondansetron 4mg injections Department of Health.
Up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 11th September, 2001, for:
CT 166/2001. Construction of new roads for a Grade Separated Intersection near the New Hospital at Tal-Qroqq. A fee of Lm30 will be charged for each copy of tender documents.
Up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 18th September, 2001, for:
CT 266/2001. Reconstruction of Male and Female Wards 1-2 and 3-4 at St Vincent de Paule Residence for the Care of the Elderly - Welfare Committee. A fee of Lm50 will be charged for each copy of tender document. The relative drawings can be collected from the Welfare Committee, Emmanuel S. Tonna Square, Floriana, during normal office hours, against the necessary payment of Lm100 per complete set of drawings and against presentation of receipt issued by the Department of Contracts.
CT 238/2001. Procurement of air monitoring equipment (Auto Analytical Equipment) Environment Protection Department. A fee of Lm5 will be charged for each copy of tender document.
Up to 10.00 a.m. on Thursday, 20th September, 2001, for:
CT 275/2001. Supply of tamoxifen 20mg tablets Department of Health.
CT 276/2001. Supply of clomipramine hydrochloride 10mg tablets - Department of Health.
CT 277/2001. Supply of pergolide 250microgram tablets - Department of Health.
CT 278/2001. Supply of methylprednisolone sodium succinate 500mg injections Department of Health.
CT 279/2001. Supply of clomipramine hydrochloride 25mg tablets - Department of Health.
CT 280/2001. Supply of lamotrigine 100mg tablets Department of Health.
CT 281/2001. Supply of selegiline 5mg tablets Department of Health.
CT 282/2001. Supply of carboplatin 150mg injections Department of Health.
CT 283/2001. Supply of didanosine 100mg tablets Department of Health.
CT 284/2001. Supply of cyclosporin 25mg capsules Department of Health.
CT 285/2001. Supply of beclomethasone dipropionate 50mcg inhaler - Department of Health.
Up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 25th September, 2001, for:
CT 287/2001. Supply of fluvoxamine 100mg tablets Department of Health.
CT 288/2001. Supply of daunorubicin 20mg injections Department of Health.
CT 273/2001. Period contract for the supply of boiler suits to the Procurement Section of the Contracts Department.
CT 274/2001. Period contract for the supply of various paints and varnish to the Procurement Section of the Contracts Department. A fee of Lm5 will be charged for each copy of tender document.
CT 286/2001. Supply and fixing of lighting system for Bastions of Mdina - Works Division. A fee of Lm25 will be charged for each copy of tender document. The relative drawings can be collected from the Chief Draughtsman's Office, Works Division, Floriana, between 8.00 a.m. and 12.00 noon and against the necessary payment of Lm25 per complete set of drawings.
CT 289/2001. Period contract for the loading, transporation and stockpiling of raw compost to and from the Sant Antnin Waste Treatment Plant (SAWTP), Marsascala, operated by the Waste Management Strategy Implementation Department - Works Division. A fee of Lm5 will be charged for each copy of tender document.
CT 294/2001. Road works at Triq Ghaxqet il-Ghajn, Marsascala - Roads Department. A fee of Lm10 will be charged for each copy of tender document.
CT 296/2001. Road works at Triq Ta' Gidwet, Marsascala - Roads Department. A fee of Lm10 will be charged for each copy of tender document.
CT 297/2001. Construction and surfacing works at San Gwakkin Street, Qormi Roads Department. A fee of Lm10 will be charged for each copy of tender document.
CT 298/2001. Construction and surfacing works at Danny Cremona Street, Kirkop Roads Department. A fee of Lm10 will be charged for each copy of tender document.
Up to 10.00 a.m. on Thursday, 27th September, 2001, for:
CT 290/2001. Period contract for the supply of starter batteries to the Procurement Section of the Contracts Department.
CT 291/2001. Period contract for the supply of national flags to the Procurement Section of the Contracts Department.
CT 292/2001. Period contract for the supply of putty and glass to the Procurement Section of the Contracts Department.
CT 293/2001. Supply and installation of laboratory furniture for the Department of Biology extension University of Malta. A fee of Lm50 will be charged for each copy of tender document.
Up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 2nd October, 2001, for:
CT 299/2001. Supply of services by licensed stevedore Department of Health.
CT 300/2001. Structural interventions and reinstatement of roofs, lift shaft and civil works in substation room at the National Museum of Archaeology, Republic Street, Valletta - Museums Department. A fee of Lm25 will be charged for each copy of tender document.
CT 301/2001. Period contract for the supply of bottled oxygen and acetylene to the procurement Section of the Contracts Department.
CT 243/2001. Supply of gloves latex small Department of Health.
CT 310/2001. Supply of coated stone for repair works in connection with the maintenance of roads Ministry for Gozo. A fee of Lm10 will be charged for each copy of tender document.
CT 311/2001. Construction of road at Flowers Street, St Paul's Bay - Roads Department. A fee of Lm10 will be charged for each copy of tender document.
CT 312/2001. Road works and construction of storm water culvert at Rinella Street, Kalkara Roads Department. A fee of Lm10 will be charged for each copy of tender document.
CT 313/2001. Period contract for the supply of chipboard and meranti blockboard to the Procurement Section of the Contract Department.
CT 314/2001. Renewal of the expansion joint system for Regional Road bridge - Roads Department. A fee of Lm10 will be charged for each copy of tender document.
Up to 10.00 a.m. on Thursday, 4th October, 2001, for:
CT 302/2001. Extension works and alterations/refurbishment of the Detox Out Patients Unit at St Luke's Hospital Agency Against Drug and Alcohol Abuse. A fee of Lm30 will be charged for each copy of tender document.
CT 303/2001. Hire of self drive cars 2001/2002 Education Division. A fee of Lm5 will be charged for each copy of tender document.
CT 304/2001. Construction of maisonettes and garages at Plot 12, Nerik Xerri Street, Kirkop Housing Authority. Tender documents may be collected from the Housing Authority, 12, Pietro Floriani Street, Floriana, against a fee of Lm30 for each copy of tender document.
CT 305/2001. Construction of maisonettes and garages at Plots A and C, Triq l-Ghasel, Kirkop Housing Authority. Tender documents may be collected from the Housing Authority, 12, Pietro Floriani Street, Floriana, against a fee of Lm30 for each copy of tender document.
CT 306/2001. Construction of apartments and garage at Plots 19 and 20, Triq il-Konvoj ta' Santa Marija, Mqabba - Housing Authority. Tender documents may be collected from the Housing Authority, 12, Pietro Floriani Street, Floriana, against a fee of Lm30 for each copy of tender document.
CT 307/2001. Construction of maisonettes and a garage at Plot 8, Triq Stiefnu Erardi, Safi Housing Authority. Tender documents may be collected from the Housing Authority, 12, Pietro Floriani Street, Floriana, against a fee of Lm30 for each copy of tender document.
CT 308/2001. Construction of an extension to Burmarrad Cemetery - Department of Health. A fee of Lm5 will be charged for each copy of tender document.
CT 309/2001. Purchase of radio test and measuring equipment - Department of Wireless Telegraphy. A fee of Lm5 will be charged for each copy of tender document.
Up to 10.00 a.m. on Thursday, 11th October, 2001, for:
CT 315/2001. Supply of laboratory equipment to Tarxien Girls Secondary School Education Division. A fee of Lm30 will be charged for each copy of tender document.
CT 316/2001. Supply of two (2) main engines for one (1) Bremse Class patrol boat Armed Forces of Malta. A fee of Lm5 will be charged for each copy of tender document.
CT 317/2001. Removal of asbestos soffitt panels from the Female Geriatric Ward at Gozo General Hospital - Ministry for Gozo. A fee of Lm10 will be charged for each copy of tender document.
The Director General (Contracts) notifies for general information that this call for tenders is being cancelled.
Up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 16th October, 2001, for:
*CT 318/2001. Supply of gluten free flour Department of Health.
*CT 319/2001. Supply of ablation catheters Department of Health.
*CT 320/2001. Supply of expanded PTFE grafts, beaded Department of Health.
*CT 321/2001. Supply of disposable laparoscopic clip applier Department of Health.
*CT 322/2001. Supply of accessories for haemonetics MCS and machine - Department of Health.
*CT 323/2001. Supply of enzyme immuno assay/chemilumunescent test kits Department of Health.
*CT 324/2001. Supply of disposable laparoscopic dissector Department of Health.
*CT 325/2001. Supply of disposable laparoscopic grasper Department of Health.
*CT 326/2001. Supply of disposable 5mm trocar and cannula kit and 5mm stability thread Department of Health.
*CT 327/2001. Supply of 0.014 high torque wire guides Department of Health.
*CT 328/2001. Period contract for the supply of mild steel bars, angles, plates and hollow sections to the Procurement Section of the Contracts Department. A fee of Lm5 will be charged for each copy of tender document.
Tender documents are obtainable on application from the Department of Contracts, Notre Dame Ravelin, Floriana, Tel. 220212, Ext. 128 or on any working day between 8.30 a.m. and noon.
The public may attend during the opening and scheduling of tenders at the time and dates specified above.
The Director of Contracts notifies all tenderers that in terms of Clause 5(2) (k) and the Third Schedule of the Public Service (Procurement) Regulations 1996 recommendations made by the General Contracts Committee for the award of public contracts will be given publicity in the Department of Contracts' notice board every Wednesday and Friday after 12.00 noon. Tenderers may also obtain this information by utilising the polling facilities on fax number 226156.
Any tenderer who may feel aggrieved by any such recommendation must submit his official complaint to the Director of Contracts within not more than three (3) working days from the date of such publication and in accordance with paragraph (2) of the Third Schedule of the said Regulations which lays down in detail the procedure to be followed in such a case. All tenderers should, therefore, familiarise themselves with the provisions of this Schedule.
Department of contracts notice
CT 273/2001. Period contract for the supply of boiler suits to the Procurement Section of the Contracts Department.
CT 274/2001. Period contract for the supply of various paints and varnish to the Procurement Section of the Contracts Department. A fee of Lm5 will be charged for each copy of tender document.
CT 286/2001. Supply and fixing of lighting system for Bastions of Mdina Works Division. A fee of Lm25 will be charged for each copy of tender document. The relative drawings can be collected from the Chief Draughtsman's Office, Works Division, Floriana, between 8.00 a.m. and 12.00 noon and against the necessary payment of Lm25 per complete set of drawings.
The Director of Contracts notifies for general information that the date and time for the presentation of offers for the above mentioned adverts is being extended up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 25th September, 2001.
Department of contracts notice
CT 238/2001. Procurement of air monitoring equipment (Auto Analytical Equipment) Environment Protection Department. A fee of Lm5 will be charged for each copy of tender document.
The Director of Contracts notifies for general information that the date and time for the presentation of offers for the above mentioned advert is being extended up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 18th September, 2001.
Malta Development Corporation
The Chairman, Malta Development Corporation, notifies that:
Sealed tenders will be received at the Malta Development Corporation Office, San Gwann Industrial Estate, San Gwann, up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 4th September, 2001, for:
Advt. No. MDC/ROS/GEN/08/01. Cleaning of factory premises at Hal Far and Marsa Industrial Estates.
A fee of Lm10 should be paid for each copy of tender document.
Advt. No. MDC/RON/DBG/5/01. Laying of paving blocks Phase II at Ta' Dbiegi Crafts Village at Gozo Industrial Estate.
A fee of Lm5 should be paid for each copy of tender document.
Tender forms and further information may be obtained from The Malta Development Corporation Office, Factory UB8 at San Gwann Industrial Estate, San Gwann, on any working day between 8.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.
Works division
The Director General (Works) notifies that:
Sealed tenders will be received at the Contracts and Procurement Section, Works Division, Floriana up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 4th September, 2001, for:
Advt. No. 137/2001. Supply, delivery and testing of shielded, twisted pair cable for Manufacturing and Services Department, Works Division.
Sealed tenders will be received at the Contracts and Procurement Section, Works Division, Floriana up to 10.00 a.m. on Friday, 7th September, 2001, for:
Advt. No. 131/2001. Period contract for the installation of earth electrodes to the Manufacturing and Services Department, Works Division.
Advt. No. 132/2001. Period contract for the supply and delivery to stores of extruded aluminium profiles to the Manufacturing and Services Department, Works Division.
Sealed tenders/quotations will be received at the Contracts and Procurement Section, Works Division, Floriana up to 10.00 a.m. on Friday, 14th September, 2001, for:
Advt. No. 133/2001. Period contract for the provision of general-purpose safety, protective and occupational ankle boots (shoes) to the Works Division.
Advt. No. 134/2001. Period contract for the provision of general-purpose knee and half knee safety boots to the Works Division.
Advt. No. 135/2001. Supply and delivery of galvanised straight stepped steel poles to the Manufacturing and Services Department, Works Division.
Advt. No. 136/2001. Supply and delivery of one A0 inkjet plotter to the Drainage Department, Works Division.
*Advt. No. 138/2001. Period contract for the loading and transport of franka stone blocks (kantun) from Tar-Robba quarry to various sites in Malta.
*Quot. No. 58/2001. Cleaning of the interior of the bowls of the Triton Fountain at Floriana.
*Advertisement/quotation appearing for the first time

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