Crisis leads to equity decline
David Lindsay
Since the 11 September attacks on the stronghold of the western
worlds economy, most equities listed on the Malta Stock Exchange
have fallen in average value, perhaps reflecting to some degree
the global investor insecurity that has set in
Nicholsons may face a take-over
The Nicholsons Supermarket continues to face difficulties, at
Sliema, Attard and Fgura the Nicholsons chain is losing its
battle to stay alive. It now appears it will follow the Price Club footsteps
and is encouraging a takeover
Creditors to give go-ahead for Price
Club deal
Ray Abdilla
The majority of the 200 creditors who will meet today are expected to
give the go-ahead for the Price Club Novacom deal. The Malta
Financial and Business Times can confirm that the majority of the 200
creditors have overwhelmingly supported the deal