Depressed equity market holds
investment opportunities
Maltas equity market has not been spared the agony suffered
by many of the worlds markets following 11 September 2001.
But regardless of whether the sharp drop in equity prices registered
between then and now has been spurred on by the events that saw
many of the worlds economies repositioning themselves, on
an albeit loose footing, the fact remains that equity prices listed
on the Malta Stock Exchange have fallen substantially close to 13
months later. READ
Need for stronger Maltese-Slovenian
economic ties stressed
By Matthew
The Chamber of Commerce yesterday hosted Slovenian President
Milan Kucan, as part of his visit to the Maltese islands to address
local businessmen and unions. READ
France lambasted for refusal to
adopt Ecofin agreement
European Union finance ministers lambasted France's refusal yesterday
to sign up for a plan to reduce its structural deficit as quickly
as other countries have agreed to at yesterdays Ecofin meeting,
which gathered the EUs finance ministers in Luxembourg. READ
The GWUs international
and educational sphere
Misco Marketing Intelligence Services General Manager Anthony
Carabott speaks to David Lindsay about the science of
market research, its sticking points and how people have become
accustomed, over the years, to being asked all sorts of questions
Vitalising the tourism
Tourism Minister Michael Refalo speaks to students reading
the University of Malta course in Tourism Studies. Dr Refalo
reviews the growth of tourism in Malta and the measures implemented
over the last three years to stimulate such growth, which
today accounts for 25 per cent of the countrys gross
national product. Following are extracts from his address |