29 June 2005

The Web


The Director General (Contracts) notifies that sealed tenders in respect of the following advertisements will be received on the days and dates indicated below. Tenders are to be dropped in the Tender Box of the Department of Contracts, Notre Dame Ravelin, Floriana:

Up to 10.00 a.m. on THURSDAY, 30th June, 2005, for:

CT 164/2005. Building capacity to introduce the Polluter Pays Principle through economic instruments to implement the European Union (EU) Environmental Acquis - Ministry for Rural Affairs and the Environment. A fee of Lm20 will be charged for each copy of tender document.

CT 175/2005. New surfacing of sports ground at Sir Adrian Dingli Girls' Junior Lyceum, Pembroke - Foundation for Tomorrow's Schools. A fee of Lm50 will be charged for each copy of tender document.

CT 176/2005. Construction of lecture block at the Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary School, Naxxar - Foundation for Tomorrow's Schools. A fee of Lm50 will be charged for each copy of tender document.

CT 177/2005. Supply of atropine sulphrate 1% eye drops - Department of Health.

CT 178/2005. Supply of 0.9% sodium chloride x 50ml IVMF - Department of Health.

CT 179/2005. Supply of naloxone 0.4mg/ml injections - Department of Health.

CT 180/2005. Supply of quetiapine 25mg tablets/capsules - Department of Health.

CT 181/2005. Construction and demolition works at the technology workshops at 1st Floor, Vincenzo Borg Brared School, Birkirkara - Foundation for Tomorrow's Schools. A fee of Lm50 will be charged for each copy of tender document.

CT 182/2005. Supply and installation of furniture for the Food Laboratories at the New Boys' Secondary School at Karwija l/o Kirkop - Foundation for Tomorrow's Schools. A fee of Lm50 will be charged for each copy of tender document.

CT 183/2005. Installation and maintenance of artificial turf and synthetic surfaces at the New Boys' Secondary School at Karwija l/o Kirkop - Foundation for Tomorrow's Schools. A fee of Lm50 will be charged for each copy of tender document.

CT 90/2005. Supply of special equipment - Armed Forces of Malta.

The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 28th March, 2005.

Up to 10.00 a.m. on TUESDAY, 5th July, 2005, for:

CT 147/2005. Supply of glyceryl trinitrate 10mg patches - Department of Health.

The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 2nd May 2005.

CT 198/2005. Period contract for the supply of tablet diaries 2006 to the Procurement Section of the Contracts Department.

CT 199/2005. Supply and delivery of re-conditioned all terrain 25ton mobile crane for the Manufacturing and Servicing Department, Corradino - Works Division. A fee of Lm20 will be charged for each copy of tender document.

CT 200/2005. Supply and delivery of two (2) re-conditioned tower ladders - Works Division. A fee of Lm25 will be charged for each copy of tender document.

Up to 10.00 a.m. on THURSDAY, 7th July, 2005, for:

CT 148/2005. Malta Vessel Traffic Management Information System (VTMIS) Project (Phase 1) - Malta Maritime Authority. A fee of Lm150 will be charged for each copy of tender document.

The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 2nd May 2005.

CT 165/2005. Publicity and public relations services for the National Commission for the Promotion of Equality (NCPE). A fee of Lm10 will be charged for each copy of tender document.

CT 172/2005. Resurfacing works to pedestrian walkways at Triq Girolamo Cassar, Valletta (Lot 1) and Howard Gardens, Mdina (Phase 1) (Lot 2) - Ministry for Tourism and Culture. A fee of Lm25 will be charged for each copy of tender document.

CT 188/2005. Supply of crowd control barriers - Police Department.

CT 189/2005. Supervision of works at Mag_tab, Qortin and Wied Fulija Landfills - WasteServ Malta Ltd.

The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 25th May 2005.

CT 202/2005. Period contract for the supply of putty and glass to the Procurement Section of the Contracts Department.

Up to 10.00 a.m. on TUESDAY, 12th July, 2005, for:

CT 151/2005. Supply of atorvastatin 20mg tablets - Department of Health.

The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 3rd May 2005.

CT 152/2005. Supply of automated antibiotic susceptibility system with equipment on loan - Department of Health.

The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 4th May 2005.

CT 162/2005. Provision of an independent view to the monitoring and implementation management of Pre-Accession support to Malta, namely the 2002NP, 2003NP and 2004TF Programme by means of an external evaluation service - Planning and Priorities Co-ordination Division.

The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 6th May 2005.

CT 171/2005. Period contract for the supply of various paints and varnish to the Procurement Section of the Contracts Department.

CT 161/2005. Vehicle hire and leasing services - Malta Information Technology Training Services Ltd. A fee of Lm25 will be charged for each copy of tender document.

The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 6th May 2005.

CT 173/2005. Provision of waste recycling containers to be placed in streets (both underground and above ground) for household use and in schools and vehicles for their servicing - WasteServ Malta Ltd. A fee of Lm50 will be charged for each copy of tender document.

The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 17th May 2005.

CT 190/2005. Loading and transportation of store inert waste within the Mag_tab Waste Management Complex and the Qortin Landfill - WasteServ Malta Ltd. A fee of Lm50 will be charged for each copy of tender document.

Up to 10.00 a.m. on THURSDAY, 14th July, 2005, for:

CT 186/2005. Supply and installation of perimeter security lighting at _a_ar Qim and Mnajdra Temples - Heritage Malta. A fee of Lm10 will be charged for each copy of tender document.

CT 187/2005. Management Programme for Malta of Sectoral Pilot Projects (Transition Facility 2004) - National Statistics Office. A fee of Lm20 will be charged for each copy of tender document.

The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 20th May 2005.

CT 207/2005. Period contract for the supply of national flags to the Procurement Section of the Contracts Department.

Up to 10.00 a.m. on TUESDAY, 19th July, 2005, for:

CT 157/2005. Malta Vessel Traffic Management Information System (VTMIS) Project (Phase 2) - Malta Maritime Authority. A fee of Lm150 will be charged for each copy of tender document.

The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 5th May 2005.

CT 212/2005. Request for decleration of interest for the supply of servers and related equipment - Malta Information Technology Training Services Ltd.

CT 213/2005. Request for decleration of interest for the supply of active network and communication equipment - Malta Information Technology Training Services Ltd.

CT 214/2005. Request for decleration of interest for the supply of infrastructure works and passive equipment - Malta Information Technology Training Services Ltd.

Up to 10.00 a.m. on THURSDAY, 21st July, 2005, for:

CT 191/2005. Supply, delivery and installation of furniture and equipment to Hair Dressing and Beauty Therapy Salons at the Institute of Community Services (Lot 1) and machinery and equipment in the Fabrication and Electrical Installation Workshop at Triq il-_amrija, Xewkija, Gozo (Lot 2) for Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology. A fee of Lm35 will be charged for each copy of tender document.

CT 196/2005. Restoration and upgrading of Triq l-Im_arr, G_ajnsielem, Gozo - Roads Directorate. A fee of Lm100 will be charged for each copy of tender document.

CT 197/2005. Restoration and upgrading of Vjal l-Avjazzjoni, Paola - Roads Directorate. A fee of Lm100 will be charged for each copy of tender document.

CT 203/2005. Supply of broiler chickens (Malta) Department of Health.

CT 204/2005. Supply of ox beef (Malta) Department of Health.

CT 205/2005. Supply of cheese (Malta) Department of Health.

CT 206/2005. Supply of bread (Malta) Department of Health.

Up to 10.00 a.m. on TUESDAY, 26th July, 2005, for:

CT 184/2005. Supply of peritoneal dialysis bags and accessories for home choice system - Department of Health.

The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 18th May 2005.

CT 185/2005. Supply of octreotide 20mg injections - Department of Health.

The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 18th May 2005.

CT 192/2005. Preparatory works for the placing of bring in sites managed and operated by WasteServ Malta Ltd. A fee of Lm25 will be charged for each copy of tender document.

CT 194/2005. Restoration and upgrading of St Paul's Bay By Pass, St Paul's Bay - Roads Directorate. A fee of Lm25 will be charged for each copy of tender document.

The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 1st June 2005.

Up to 10.00 a.m. on THURSDAY, 28th July, 2005, for:

CT 211/2005. Hire of self drive cars to the Ministry of Education and the Education Division 2005/2006 - Education Division.

Up to 10.00 a.m. on TUESDAY, 2nd August, 2005, for:

CT 195/2005. Development of publicity campaign in relation with the improvement works of the Sant' Antnin Waste Treatment Facility WasteServ Malta Ltd. A fee of Lm50 will be charged for each copy of tender document.

The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 1st June 2005.

CT 208/2005. Tourism and Support Services Training Programme - Malta Tourism Authority. A fee of Lm20 will be charged for each copy of tender document.

The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 13th June 2005.

Up to 10.00 a.m. on THURSDAY, 4th August, 2005, for:

CT 193/2005. Development of a Management Information System for the Occupational Health and Safety Authority. A fee of Lm25 will be charged for each copy of tender document.

Up to 10.00 a.m. on TUESDAY, 9th August, 2005, for:

CT 201/2005. Procurement of new equipment for the Public Health Laboratory - Public Health Laboratory (Transition Facility 2004). A fee of Lm25 will be charged for each copy of tender document.

The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 2nd June 2005.

Up to 10.00 a.m. on THURSDAY, 18th August, 2005, for:

CT 45/2005. Supply, installation and commissioning of a Maritime Coast Radio Station to be incorporated in the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) Armed Forces of Malta. A fee of Lm10 will be charged for each copy of tender document.

The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 11th February 2005.

*CT 215/2005. Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of laboratory furniture and equipment at the National Blood Transfusion and Blood Donation Centres, Guardamangia Department of Health. A fee of Lm50 will be charged for each copy of tender document. (Transition Facility 2004 Est. Euros 540,000 excluding V.A.T.).

The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 21st June 2005.

*Advertisement appearing for the first time

Tender documents are obtainable on application from the Department of Contracts, Notre Dame Ravelin, Floriana, Tel. 21 220 212, Ext. 128 or on any working day between 8.30 a.m. and noon.
Tenderers are advised to visit the website of the Department of Contracts at http://contracts.gov.mt which provides updated information concerning calls for tenders and General Contracts Committee recommendations.
The public may attend during the opening and scheduling of tenders at the time and dates specified above.
The Director General (Contracts) notifies all tenderers that in terms of Clause 30 and Part XIII of the Public Contracts Regulations 2003, recommendations made by the General Contracts Committee for the award of public contracts will be given publicity in the Department of Contracts' notice-board every Wednesday and Friday after 12.00 noon. Tenderers may also obtain this information by utilizing the polling facilities on fax number 2122 6156.
Any tenderer who may feel aggrieved by any such recommendation must submit his official complaint to the
Director General (Contracts) in accordance with part XIII of the said Regulations which lays down in detail the procedure to be followed in such a case. All tenderers should, therefore, familiarise themselves with the provisions of this part of the Regulations.

The Malta Financial & Business Times is published weekly on Wednesdays.
Website is updated weekly on Thursdays at 15.00CET
Copyright © Newsworks Ltd., Malta
Editor: Kurt Sansone
The Malta Financial & Business Times, Newsworks Ltd, Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann
Tel: (356) 2138 2741 | Fax: (356) 2138 5075 | E-mail