Karl Stagno-Navarra
Barclays Bank plc have chosen not to deny or confirm reports about a circular issued to local stockbrokers, informing them that Maltese bank accounts within their remit, are to be shifted from Switzerland to London. READ MORE >>
Karl Schembri
Competitiveness Minister Censu Galea yesterday said he had just received the newly set-up Malta Dockers’ Union’s position on port reforms since it split from the General Workers’ Union, signalling a new step in the protracted negotiations that risk delaying the reform timeframes set by the government. READ MORE >>
Matthew Vella
Investments Minister Austin Gatt, whose portfolio includes government’s 25% shareholding in Bank of Valletta, has restricted comment on the news that HSBC has seconded the nomination of a director for the BOV board elections. READ MORE >>
For some economists it is too early to speak of “sound finances”. Writing in the Sunday Times, economist and former finance minister Lino Spiteri did not mince his words: “Malta has a long way to go before one can seriously claim that the public finances are sound and sustainable.” READ MORE >>