The FirstUnited Group has appointed Jean Pierre Portelli and Julian Boffa managers of FirstUnited Insurance Brokers Ltd. and FirstUnited Insurance Management Ltd., respectively
A graduate of the Maastricht School of Management (MSM) and The Malta International Training Centre, Mr Portelli, who holds a professional diplomas in General Business management and in Applied Insurance Studies, brings plenty of experience to the post having been actively involved in the insurance industry for the past sixteen years. He served in senior positions within the Insurance Agency and Insurer networks until the end of 2007 and later within the Broking sector. In the past ten years Mr Portelli headed a number of units managing the Claims operations of both the Motor and Corporate portfolios. Mr Boffa also holds a diploma in Applied Insurance Studies with the Chartered Insurance Institute in the U.K. A specialist in the Marine & Aviation insurance sector for the last 15 years, he has held previous posts as Commercial & Marine Underwriter at Middlesea Insurance and as Manager of the Marine & Aviation Department at a leading Insurance Broking firm, working both in the local and in the international markets. In the last two years Mr Boffa has been heading the Marine, International and Management arms of the FirstUnited Group.
FirstUnited Insurance Brokers provides a complete range of insurance broking services including risk analysis, broking in the local market and the London / international markets, claims handling and Linked-Long-Term Personal Financial Planning.
FirstUnited Insurance Management provides insurance management services to insurers operating in or from Malta and to brokers handling non-Malta risk business. One of the first management companies to be licensed in Malta, it has the skills and experience to assist its insurance clients exploit the insurance opportunities available in the European Single Market.