Access the Maltese Bond and Equity Market through Valletta Fund Management’s range of Investment Funds
The volatility currently being experienced worldwide in both the bond and equity markets represents a firm challenge to investors’ confidence. In order to improve economic performance central banks worldwide have lowered interest rates, creating, amongst others, an environment whereby conservative bond based investments became much more sought after than equity based investments. Moreover, we have seen a preference by investors’ for high quality bonds.
This sentiment also led to a considerable increase in demand for the La Valette Malta Bond Fund and the Vilhena Malta Government Bond Fund, two locally based bond funds, managed by Valletta Fund Management, that offer stability especially in the changing market which we are currently experiencing.
The Vilhena Malta Government Bond Fund has a well-diversified and professionally managed investment portfolio of Maltese Government Bonds whilst the La Valette Malta Bond Fund gives access to investors to the Maltese Government and Corporate Bond Market. Both Funds have two classes of shares, an Accumulator class where the income is accumulated and reflected in the daily share price and a Distributor class where the Iincome* is distributed every six months. As at the 31st October 2008 the Income Yield* for the Vilhena Malta Government Bond Fund was 4.1% whilst as at the 30th September 2008, La Valette Malta Bond Fund Has registered an Income Yield* of 4.1%.
Following the recent turmoil in the stock markets and the relatively solid performance of local companies, investors continue to evaluate the possibility of taking a long-term position in the Maltese equity market. For those investors seeking to maximise the total level of return whilst minimising the volatility of the portfolio through investment in Maltese equity and debt securities, the Vilhena Malta Fund, La Valette Malta Fund and the Wignacourt Malta Fund offer an interesting alternative. All three Funds offer both an Accumulator as well as a Distributor class of share where income* is distributed every year.
Until the 31st December 2008, new shareholders will benefit from a 25% discount on the applicable up-front fees of all funds investing in the local market. Furthermore, a 50% discount on the applicable up-front fees of all funds investing in the local market investments is extended to all existing shareholders. Investors can also benefit from a 100% discount on the applicable upfront fees when concluding a Monthly Investment Plan in any local fund managed by VFM up to a maximum of €200 per month and subject to the minimum lump sum investment required in the Fund selected. Certain terms and conditions may apply.
Past performance is not a guarantee to future performance.